Take Control Of Your Future!

How much more impactful and enjoyable would your life be if every day was filled with nothing but great habits? That’s our goal!

Imagine yourself three years from now. Where will you be? What does your life look like? What habits are winning out? Are the good ones triumphing over the bad ones? Great habits lead to a successful life, and while bad habits can be hard to kill, it's definitely doable.

Here’s the hard part: From day to day, you may not recognize the effects of your habits. You have bad habits that feel good today but cost dearly in the future.

When thinking about your future, you have to think long-term. This helps you easily identify which actions will help you and which ones will come back to haunt you.

“Bad habits make time your enemy, whereas good habits make time your ally.”

Every day, the habits you repeat (or don’t repeat) largely determine your health, wealth, love, and happiness. Let’s face it, bad habits kill everything near them, spreading like a cancer across someone’s life. Nobody wants that, yet few take the steps to avoid it. In contrast, good—better yet, great—habits spring forth the life we all truly desire. A life that makes an impact and brings the joys of a life well-lived. That’s what we want, isn’t it? To achieve that, we have to focus on great habits, eliminating any space in our lives for bad habits to take root.

“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.”

Habit Mastery is designed to help you build great habits so that you can live out the life you truly desire.

Develop These Life Changing Habits And More...

  • Waking Up Early (5:10 AM)

    Embrace the Power of the Morning!

  • Learn! Learn! Learn!

    Stay humble and hungry! The more you learn, the more you grow.

  • Get The #1 Thing Done

    Stick with the process! It’s the key to any habit.

  • Review Your Mission & Goals

    Stay on track! Review and reflect often.

  • Journal

    Take the time to pause, reflect, and grow!

  • Pray & Meditate

    Feed your soul! The goal is an impactful and enjoyable life.

Ian Warner’s Triumphant Story: From Down And Out... To Living Your Dream

What got you to the point you're at will not get you to the next level. It was easier to have habits in high school because I was in a comfortable environment. I also had my parents around to keep me in check.

To make it to the next level, I would have to change. I was hit with so many setbacks. I was in a long-distance relationship and staying up on the phone later than I should have been. 

My first two years were ruined with injuries, and I considered quitting the sport altogether. I figured that my body was not made to run at the D1 level. I fractured my back, pulled my hamstring twice, had severe shin splints, and many other issues. 

That's the hardest part about change and building new habits. You feel like you're working so hard, but you do not see the result that you want to see. It's here that most people give up and go back to their old ways.

Habit Mastery will help you push through these moments successfully. On the other side of the pain is your dream. The life you always dreamed of living is right there, but you have to change to get there.

Habits Will Get You To The Next Level


I was able to regain control of my life by remembering what habits could do. 

"What I was looking for in college was an immediate success. I had to let go of that idea and remember that great things take time."

I refocused and took ownership of my life—no more blaming my coach or anyone else for the results I was creating. I created an injury routine that I would go through daily to stay healthy. 

In the first season, nothing improved or happened. I show up every day and put in all of this work and had no fantastic results. The team's head coach let me know that everything would change if I stayed consistent one more year. I did not believe him, but he was right. 

The next season, I became one of the best sprinters in the country. I was All-Big 12, All-American, and I achieved my ultimate goal of making the 2012 Olympic team.

Like the bamboo tree, all those early years of my life were growing roots for the success that would eventually come.

Don't miss this! You are closer to success than you think you are. When you learn how to make a bit of progress each day, it will shock you where you end up in the next decade. You can't think about this with a short-term mindset, though.

Habits put you in control. No more blame! You can't control the results, so you can let go of that. What you can control is what you show up and do every day. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s included?

    Upon purchase, you receive immediate, and unlimited access to all 40 Habit Mastery lessons. This allows you to complete the course at your own pace.

  • How long will it take to complete?

    Habit Mastery was designed with short, to-the-point videos that enhance your ability to quickly learn and apply each lesson. By completing this course and implementing the strategies, you'll feel like you have more time than ever before.

  • When can I expect to see results?

    The timeline for seeing results varies based on how quickly you complete the course and begin to apply each of the Habit Mastery lessons. As with any new knowledge, various factors can influence your results. Remember, the goal is to build lasting, long-term change. So, don't worry if change takes time; true success always requires patience and dedication.

From Broken Leg to Olympian

Ian Warner

When I was 12, I broke my leg playing football, and it changed my life forever. No longer could I rely on talent. To come back from the injury, I would have to build stellar habits. The moment changed my life. It forced me to focus on the things that I repeat daily. I realize the power of compounding positive actions, and from it, I earned a full track and field scholarship and became a 2012 Olympian.

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